About Quantum Motion
Quantum Motion launched to commercialise world-leading silicon spin technology and architecture developed at University College London and the University of Oxford.
The company is developing a revolutionary technology platform – not just a qubit but a scalable array of qubits based on the ubiquitous silicon technology already used in smartphones and computers.
Silicon-based integrated circuit technology is the bedrock of a digital revolution. It allows billions of transistors to fit in a stamp-sized space.
Quantum Motion’s goal is to fast-track the development of true fault tolerant quantum computers and reach one million qubits and beyond, by leveraging existing knowledge in device fabrication within the trillion-dollar silicon industry.
This technology will power high-impact applications in areas vital for human progress in the 21st century: in-software discovery of new chemicals, materials and drugs; the reduction of wastage through optimisation of resource usage; and enabling new models for AI and machine learning.