Funding / Entrepreneur
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Tomorrow’s Rolls Royce:
5 Jul 2018

Tomorrow’s Rolls Royce:

The UK entrepreneur community is thriving. Talent, ambition, inspiration and sticking-power is coming through more than ever. Investors are more...
Written by Howard Bell
Building Teams: The Art of Change
24 Jun 2018

Building Teams: The Art of Change

Octopus Ventures blog explores change in teams. As businesses grow, teams must change. the question must be “what’s the next iteration of this team going to be?”.
Written by Alan Cairns
Measure Twice, Cut Once:
10 Jun 2018

Measure Twice, Cut Once:

US Healthcare is an entity of two parts: payers (insurance companies) and providers (hospitals and clinics) — alongside a third, formidable...
Written by Karan Mehta
General Data Protection Regulation :
2 May 2018

General Data Protection Regulation :

General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) As we edge ever closer to 25 May 2018 when the GDPR becomes enforceable, we have been spending...
Written by Zoe Chambers
What More Can Be Done…
12 Apr 2018

What More Can Be Done…

The UK remains a great place to start and grow a business. According to the Industrial Strategy White Paper, a new business starts up every...
Written by Rebecca Hunt
‘Lawyer Up’
22 Feb 2018

‘Lawyer Up’

Chris Wade of Isomer Capital puts the difference succinctly: “In the US, lawyers are part of the competitive dynamic, whereas in Europe they...
Written by Octopus Ventures